Monthly Archives: October 2018

How to add multiple ips in centos 7

In centos 7 by default ifconfig command will not work.
You need to install it using this command yum install net-tools
1.  Create a file in /opt/
2.  create ip list in an excel sheet,
ip addr add dev enp6s0f0 label   enp6s0f0:1
ip addr add dev enp6s0f0 label   enp6s0f0:2
ip addr add dev enp6s0f0 label enp6s0f0:3
ip addr add dev enp6s0f0 label enp6s0f0:4
3. Add ips in /opt/ file
4. Execute sh for the ips to display in ifconfig
5. For the ips to reflect in ifconfig even after server is rebooted add this command sh /opt/ in /etc/rc.d/init.d/network file and it should be added above exit $rc