Monthly Archives: April 2014

Fatal error: Cannot make static method SGL_FrontController::run() non static in class RVSWebInit in

If you are facing issues with rvsitebuilder on cpanel server with error

“Fatal error: Cannot make static method SGL_FrontController::run() non static in class RVSWebInit in”

Run the below commands to fix it

perl /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/rvsitebuilderinstaller/autoinstaller.cgi –force=rvseagullmod

Then run update RVSitebuilder again.
perl /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/rvsitebuilderinstaller/autoinstaller.cgi –force=rvsitebuilder

Now  republish the website, the error will be fixed


Disable directory browsing linux

To disable the directory browsing in account you need to do the below steps

# cd to the directory you want to disable directory browsing

in my case it was

#cd  /home/online/public_html/images

create a new file .htaccess

# vi .htaccess

paste the below code in .htaccess

Options -Indexes

save file and exit

Now directory browsing is disabled


Amazon SES Request Expired, it must be within 300secs/of server time.

While using Amazon Simple Email Service, sometimes we encounter this error message:


” AWS Error Code: RequestExpired, AWS Error Message: Request timestamp: Sun, 13 Mar 2011 06:10:27 GMT expired. It must be within 300 secs/ of server time.”

This error probably means that Amazon SES time differs from your system clock time. If you’re using the command-line tools then you may need to adjust your system clock to match Amazon SES’s clock, which is synchronized with UTC.

If you’re using a linux system try this:


[ ~]# yum install ntpdate
#  /usr/sbin/ntpdate




Now you can easily send emails using SES.

Mod_Security disable

If you want to disable security for one singled domain name you can do it by editing virtualhost in httpd.conf

You can add the below setting in apache’s virtualhost for the domain name

You need to add below rule to disable mod_security

<IfModule mod_security2.c>

SecRuleEngine off




An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with

Are you getting error below error in wordpress while installing plugin ?

“An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with”  The solution for this issue is to check file wp-config.php

While troubleshooting issue I see the error was in wp-config.php

I commented out below settings to fix this issue

/** EXAMPLE – proxy settings */
#define(‘WP_PROXY_HOST’, ‘’);
#define(‘WP_PROXY_PORT’, ‘1234’);
#define(‘WP_PROXY_USERNAME’, ”);
#define(‘WP_PROXY_PASSWORD’, ”);
#define(‘WP_PROXY_BYPASS_HOSTS’, ‘localhost’);

This issue got fixed once I commented the above settings.


Disable cphulkd in cpanel server

Sometime you may face issue while logging to WHM where password does not work but via SSH password work  The issue in cpanel server is due to cphulkd which is one of the security feature.

to get it password working you need to ssh and disabled cphulkd using below commands
root@server [~]# /usr/local/cpanel/etc/init/stopcphulkd
Waiting for,cPhulkd,cphulkd to shutdown ….. terminated.

root@server [~]# /usr/local/cpanel/bin/cphulk_pam_ctl –disable

Now you can login to server via WHM



How to remove a logical volume

SSH to server and use the below steps

Check active volume first using

[root@load ~]# lvscan
ACTIVE            ‘/dev/vg_load/lv_root’ [50.00 GiB] inherit
ACTIVE            ‘/dev/vg_load/lv_home’ [53.80 GiB] inherit
ACTIVE            ‘/dev/vg_load/lv_swap’ [7.50 GiB] inherit

Say you want to remove the volume /dev/vg_load/lv_home

Type the below command

[root@load ~]# lvremove /dev/vg_load/lv_home
Do you really want to remove active logical volume lv_home? [y/n]: y
Logical volume “lv_home” successfully removed

Now the logical volume is deleted

which you can confirm using

[root@load ~]# lvscan
ACTIVE            ‘/dev/vg_load/lv_root’ [50.00 GiB] inherit
ACTIVE            ‘/dev/vg_load/lv_swap’ [7.50 GiB] inherit
[root@load ~]# lvdisplay
— Logical volume —
LV Path                /dev/vg_load/lv_root
LV Name                lv_root
VG Name                vg_load
LV UUID                jFKRVb-kzMk-bOkE-DZIR-T5PW-fkyf-Tb6txr
LV Write Access        read/write
LV Creation host, time, 2014-04-07 00:28:58 -0400
LV Status              available
# open                 1
LV Size                50.00 GiB
Current LE             12800
Segments               1
Allocation             inherit
Read ahead sectors     auto
– currently set to     256
Block device           253:0

— Logical volume —
LV Path                /dev/vg_load/lv_swap
LV Name                lv_swap
VG Name                vg_load
LV UUID                zNsC2f-9vxE-9cgA-6eFv-0Yrk-JWqG-GFEsId
LV Write Access        read/write
LV Creation host, time, 2014-04-07 00:29:30 -0400
LV Status              available
# open                 1
LV Size                7.50 GiB
Current LE             1920
Segments               1
Allocation             inherit
Read ahead sectors     auto
– currently set to     256
Block device           253:1