Deleted or corrupted file in cpanel server for /etc/userdomains ? Use below 2 commands to by logging in as root to restore the file
# /usr/local/cpanel/bin/userdata_update
and then run
Deleted or corrupted file in cpanel server for /etc/userdomains ? Use below 2 commands to by logging in as root to restore the file
# /usr/local/cpanel/bin/userdata_update
and then run
Having issues with cpanel Filemanager where you can write on a file with 444 permissions ? The issue is with X3 theme
. You need to modify below line in file
vi /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/x/files/changeperm.html
And see if you see the line:
change it to without space
Are you getting below error ??
Unable to remove add-on domain from cPanel – Error from Park wrapper: Sorry, you do not control the domain
Remove the entries for the domain from the following files.
/var/cpanel/users/username Run Script — /scripts/updateuserdomains
/scripts/killdns domain.db
/var/cpanel/userdata/username – Remove the parked domain folders /var/cpanel/userdate/username/main
If you want to change the timezone for your webmail as per your region onn your server, please follow the below steps:
1. Log into SquirrelMail/Horde/Roundcube webmail client with the user that you would like to change the time zone for.
2. Access the following option:
In SquirrelMail:
Click on “Options” -> “Personal Information”
In Horde:
Click on “Options” -> “Global Options” -> on”Locale and Time”
In Roundcube:
Click on “Settings” -> “User Interface”
3. Select the timezone you need.
Getting error in invalid number of arguments when deleting large number of files in directory ?
The error is due to bash shell has a limit of 2621440 to the number of arguments you can pass to a command. This can be verified by,
[root@hostab ~]# getconf ARG_MAX
Solution to this problem is to use the find command along with xargs,
cd to the directory where you want to delete files and run below command
find . -name ‘*’ |xargs rm
If you have entered command reboot and machine is not rebooting even after extended time
You can use below command to restart the server immediately which is equivalent to pressing a restart button physically.
# echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq
#echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger