DEVICESCAN -a -o on -S on -n standby,q -s (S/../.././02|L/../../6/03) -W 4,35,40 -m emaild
Category Archives: Mysql
Invalid date in Email Trace cpanel
When checking the email trace option in cpanel, it reported an invalid date error. We got the following log from our cpanel error log file about what is causing the issue. What do I do when cpanel email trace not working, how can I fix it look no further we have the problem solved for you.
Once you have logged in as ROOT you can now copy and paste this line in
mysql eximstats < /usr/local/cpanel/etc/eximstats_db.sql
now close out putty and the the email trace feature will be up and running.
cPanel :: upcp failed, exited with code 25
I noticed below error while updating cPanel to latest one of the server:
Running `/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/updatenow --upcp --log=/var/cpanel/updatelogs/update.9320814564.log` failed, exited with code 25 (signal = 0)
Below was the OS installed on the server :
root@onlinesupport[~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS release 6.5 (Final)
root@onlinesupport [~]#
Further found that the cPanel config had the OS information missing as below :
root@linuxbabu [~]# cat /var/cpanel/sysinfo.config
# This values in this file are calculated and updated if necessary nightly. If you wish to override
# these values, populate lock= with a comma delimited list of keys you don't want updated.
# This will allow you to change those values to suit your needs.
# Example: if you set lock like this, then rpm_dist and rpm_arch will not be updated nightly:
# lock=rpm_dist,rpm_arch
root@linuxbabu [~]#
I corrected the OS rpm_dist_ver under the config file and the upcp worked fine :
root@onlinesupport [~]# cat /var/cpanel/sysinfo.config | grep rpm_dist_ver
root@onlinesupport [~]#
Cpanel Error “EasyApache is currently upgrading your Apache and PHP installation.”
EasyApache is currently upgrading your Apache and PHP installation.
Please wait for this process to finish before changing your PHP and Suexec settings.
root@as [~]# cd /usr/local/apache
root@as [/usr/local/apache]# ls
./ cgi-bin/ etc@ logs/
../ conf/ htdocs/ man/
bin/ domlogs/ include/ modules/
build/ error/ lib/
root@as [/usr/local/apache]# rm AN_EASYAPACHE_BUILD_IS_CURRENTLY_RUNNING
rm: remove regular empty file `AN_EASYAPACHE_BUILD_IS_CURRENTLY_RUNNING'? y
root@as [/usr/local/apache]#
Too many open files: could not open transfer log file
This is an error which is usually thrown by the server when there is a failure to start apache. The above description can be found in the error logs of the server.
Step 1: Open file /etc/init.d/httpd OR /usr/sbin/apachectl
Step 2: Add `ulimit -n 65536`
{The error usually occurs due to the lower number of file descriptors.}
To check the limit of file descriptors over the server described within the file /proc/sys/fs/file-max, run the following command:
# cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max
If the value found in fs.file-max small, you must increase it by running the following command:
# echo “65535″ > /proc/sys/fs/file-max
To save these settings for future reboots to keep the values, you may add it to the file /etc/sysctl.conf.
# Maximum number of open files permitted
fs.file-max = 65535
To load new values from the sysctl.conf file, run:
# sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf
Now you must restart httpd service by running the following command:
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
When trying to send an email with attachement from your personal email ID if you get this error “mailbox is full: retry timeout exceeded,” you can run this command to get the issue fixed.
While creating new email account if you get this error “The disk write test failed. You may have exceeded your quota, or the disk is full. The exact error was: written size: 438272 exepected size: 1048576,” please run these commands to fix this issue
Hypervm License error
Are you getting license error on Hypervm
Below are the steps to fix this issue
#remove the below file
rm -f /usr/local/lxlabs/hypervm/httpdocs/htmllib/phplib/lib/licenselib.php
download below file
rename the above file
mv /usr/local/lxlabs/hypervm/httpdocs/htmllib/phplib/lib/licenselib.php_ /usr/local/lxlabs/hypervm/httpdocs/htmllib/phplib/lib/licenselib.php
Now License issue should be resolved
Rebuild Exim configuration
Facing issues with exim starting due to wrong exim.conf? You can fix it using below command which will rebuild exim.conf
root@vps [/etc]# /scripts/buildeximconf
You get below entries when rebuilding the exim.conf
Configuration file passes test! New configuration file was installed.
Enabled system filter options: attachments|spam_rewrite
Enabled ACL options in block ACL_MAIL_PRE_BLOCK: default_mail_pre
Enabled ACL options in block ACL_RECIPIENT_POST_BLOCK: default_recipient_post
Enabled ACL options in block ACL_SPAM_SCAN_CHECK_BLOCK: default_spam_scan_check
Enabled ACL options in block ACL_CHECK_MESSAGE_PRE_BLOCK: default_check_message_pre
Enabled ACL options in block ACL_CONNECT_POST_BLOCK: default_connect_post
Enabled ACL options in block ACL_OUTGOING_NOTSMTP_CHECKALL_BLOCK: resolve_vhost_owner|end_default_outgoing_notsmtp_checkall
Enabled ACL options in block ACL_CONNECT_BLOCK: ratelimit|slow_fail_block|spammerlist
Enabled ACL options in block ACL_POST_RECP_VERIFY_BLOCK: dictionary_attack
Enabled ACL options in block ACL_TRUSTEDLIST_BLOCK: trustedmailhosts
Enabled ACL options in block ACL_IDENTIFY_SENDER_BLOCK: default_identify_sender|default_message_submission
Enabled ACL options in block ACL_MAIL_BLOCK: requirehelo|requirehelonoforge|requirehelosyntax
Enabled ACL options in block ACL_PRE_RECIPIENT_BLOCK: dkim_disable
Enabled ACL options in block ACL_CHECK_MESSAGE_POST_BLOCK: default_check_message_post
Enabled ACL options in block ACL_POST_SPAM_SCAN_CHECK_BLOCK: mailproviders
Enabled ACL options in block ACL_SMTP_QUIT_BLOCK: slow_fail_block
Enabled ACL options in block ACL_SPAM_SCAN_BLOCK: default_spam_scan
Enabled ACL options in block ACL_NOTQUIT_BLOCK: ratelimit
Enabled ACL options in block ACL_RECP_VERIFY_BLOCK: default_recp_verify
Enabled ACL options in block ACL_PRE_SPAM_SCAN: mailproviders
Enabled ACL options in block ACL_RECIPIENT_MAILMAN_BLOCK: default_recipient_mailman
Enabled ACL options in block ACL_RECIPIENT_BLOCK: default_recipient
Enabled ACL options in block ACL_MAIL_POST_BLOCK: default_mail_post
Detected spam handling in acls, disabling spamassassin in routers & transports!.
SpamAssassin method remains unchanged
Configured options list is:
ACL: acl_not_smtp is active
ACL: acl_smtp_connect is active
ACL: acl_smtp_data is active
ACL: acl_smtp_mail is active
ACL: acl_smtp_quit is active
ACL: acl_smtp_notquit is active
ACL: acl_smtp_rcpt is active
Provided options list is: deliver_queue_load_max|queue_only_load|daemon_smtp_ports|tls_on_connect_ports|system_filter_user|system_filter_group|tls_require_ciphers|hostlist loopback|hostlist senderverifybypass_hosts|hostlist skipsmtpcheck_hosts|hostlist spammeripblocks|hostlist backupmx_hosts|hostlist trustedmailhosts|hostlist relay_hosts|domainlist user_domains|smtp_accept_queue_per_connection|remote_max_parallel|smtp_receive_timeout|ignore_bounce_errors_after|rfc1413_query_timeout|timeout_frozen_after|auto_thaw|callout_domain_negative_expire|callout_negative_expire|acl_not_smtp|acl_smtp_connect|acl_smtp_data|acl_smtp_mail|acl_smtp_quit|acl_smtp_notquit|acl_smtp_rcpt|message_body_newlines|check_rfc2047_length|perl_at_start|deliver_queue_load_max|queue_only_load|daemon_smtp_ports|tls_on_connect_ports|system_filter_user|system_filter_group|tls_require_ciphers|spamd_address
Exim Insert Regex is: virtual_userdelivery|virtual_aliases|democheck|check_mail_permissions|remote_smtp|address_pipe|virtual_user|localuser|virtual_sa_user
Exim Replace Regex is: virtual_sa_user|sa_localuser|virtual_sa_userdelivery|local_sa_delivery|cpanel_archiver|cpanel_archiver_transport|discover_sender_information|fixed_login|fixed_plain|lookuphost|remote_smtp|secure_login|secure_plain
Exim Match Insert Regex is:
Exim version 4.82 #2 built 06-Feb-2014 16:42:57
Copyright (c) University of Cambridge, 1995 – 2013
(c) The Exim Maintainers and contributors in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS file, 2007 – 2013
Berkeley DB: Berkeley DB 4.7.25: (September 12, 2013)
Support for: crypteq iconv() IPv6 PAM Perl OpenSSL Content_Scanning DKIM Old_Demime Experimental_SPF Experimental_SRS
Lookups (built-in): lsearch wildlsearch nwildlsearch iplsearch dbm dbmjz dbmnz passwd
Authenticators: cram_md5 dovecot plaintext spa
Routers: accept dnslookup ipliteral manualroute queryprogram redirect
Transports: appendfile/maildir autoreply pipe smtp
Size of off_t: 4
Exim Perl Load List is: spamkey|mail_permissions|get_relayhosts_domain|checkuserquota|boxtrapper|fast_checkvalias|email_archiver|fast_isdemo|fast_accountfunc|0_mail_permissions_variables|checkpass_cphulkd|spam_acl_support|encode_string_literal|safefile|cpwrap|checkspam|z_preload_modules|email_send_limits|identify_local_connection
/etc/ installed!
razor2 is installed, enabled in SpamAssassin!
pyzor is not installed, disabling it in SpamAssassin to save memory
SPF is disabled in exim or unavailable, enabling SPF for SpamAssassin
/bin/chown: changing ownership of `/var/spool/exim/msglog/1WxaaD-00018g-Nl’: No such file or directory
Refreshing SMTP Mail protection.
SMTP Mail protection has been disabled. All users may make outbound smtp connections.
Now Restart exim to get it going
root@vps [/etc]# /etc/init.d/exim restart
Shutting down exim: [ OK ]
Shutting down spamd: [ OK ]
Starting exim: [ OK ]
0 processes (antirelayd) sent signal 9
/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/update_sa_rules: running in background
root@vps [/etc]# /scripts/buildeximconf
Template Loading stuck , cannot go further to Step 2 , Step 3
If you got the Template Loading stuck from RVSitebuilder Step Home.
Please contact your host provider to run force update RVSitebuilder to fix the problem.
Below are the steps your host needs to do,
perl /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/rvsitebuilderinstaller/autoinstaller.cgi –force
And remove the following files:
rm -f /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/www/userdata/securervsite/templateinfo.ini