Category Archives: Mysql

Secure Connection Failed while accessing IPMI

Secure Connection Failed

An error occurred during a connection to You have received an invalid certificate. Please contact the server administrator or email correspondent and give them the following information: Your certificate contains the same serial number as another certificate issued by the certificate authority. Please get a new certificate containing a unique serial number. Error code: SEC_ERROR_REUSED_ISSUER_AND_SERIAL

The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.



Firefox stores certificates separately from the Operating System. Sometimes the certificate store can become corrupt and won’t let you delete certificates. To solve this, you’ll have to reset it manually.

Go to Start > Run

Type %appdata% and click Ok.
Result: A folder should open up.


Now go to Mozilla, then Firefox, then Profiles, and choose your profile folder (it probably is named a random string of letters, often followed by .default).


Delete the file called “cert8.db”.

This should fix the issue .


Disable WordPress plugins from PHPmyadmin

You can easily disable all WordPress plugins directly from your database. This is useful when you have problems with your WordPress installation, such as not being able to log in to the admin Dashboard, or having blank pages on the website.

If you don’t know which is the database used by your WordPress website, you can check the DB_NAME variable in the WordPress configuration file – wp-config.php. This file is usually located in the document root directory of your application and can be opened via the File Manager in cPanel.

To disable all plugins, go to phpMyAdmin in cPanel and select your WordPress database from the menu on the left.

Browse the table wp_options and find the option active_plugins. Click the pencil icon to edit the table. Its content will vary, depending on what plugins you have enabled. For example, if you have the Akismet and Hello Dolly plugins enabled, the code there will be:

To disable all plugins, simply delete the code and click the Go button to save the change.

Please note that this table may have a different prefix instead of wp_. You will see the correct prefix of the database once you access the phpMyAdmin tool and select the the WordPress database.

Disabling the plugins in this way will not delete them from your WordPress application. They will simply be deactivated. You can easily activate them from your WordPress admin area at any time.

Cloudflare with Engintron

We had a issue where domain which is using cloudflare and server had engintron those domains were not working correctly

Engintron does support Cloudflare . There are few custom rules which needs to be setup from

WHM > Plugin > Emgintron  > Edit your custom_rules for Nginx

For domains which have dedicated IP below is the rule which needs to be added

if ($host ~ “”) {


Where you need to set right domain name and  right IP associated with domain


If using a shared IP address below is the rule that needs to be added in

Edit yourcustom_rules for Nginx and add below statement


Where you need to set shared IP in above example





mysqldump: Got error: 1017: Can’t find file: ‘wp_wfBadLeechers’ (errno: 2) when using LOCK TABLES

While making full backup of mysql using below command we got error

mysqldump: Got error: 1017: Can’t find file: ‘wp_wfBadLeechers’ (errno: 2) when using LOCK TABLES

# mysqldump –all-databases > /backup/all_databases.sql

The issue was due to some corrupt tables

Below is the fix used for  making a full dump of database ignoring error

mysqldump –skip-lock-tables -f –all-databases > /backup/all_databases.sql

Mysql backup was completed ignoring the corrupt tables.






Your server’s MySQL/MariaDB RPM target is set to “unmanaged”. cPanel

Was getting this error while trying to upgrade mysql in WHM/cPanel,

Your server’s MySQL/MariaDB RPM target is set to “unmanaged”. You cannot use the MySQL/MariaDB Upgrade feature while your server is in this state.

The issue was due to entry in file /var/cpanel/rpm.versions.d/local.versions set mysql to unmanaged

Went ahead and set it to managed and was able to upgrade mysql from WHM without any issues




Sorry, the domain is owned by another user (nobody)

While adding rDNS file in cpanel server I was getting below mentioned error

Sorry, the domain is owned by another user (nobody)

I have found that at one point in the past this domain was present on this server.

I have removed remnants of the domain from /var/cpanel/users/system and removed references to it from /etc/userdomains and /etc/remotedomains.

I then rebuilt the various caches:


I am now able to add zone file without any issues


Ignore table and dump mysql database

-bash-4.1# mysqldump satmn13_drup189 > satmn13_drup1891.sql
mysqldump: Got error: 1146: Table ‘satmn13_drup189.dr_cache_admin_menu’ doesn’t exist when using LOCK TABLES

-bash-4.1# mysqldump satmn13_drup189 –ignore-table=satmn13_drup189.dr_cache_admin_menu > satmn13_drup1891.sql

Emails going to Spam folder issue

We do get complaints of emails going to spam folder most of the times while working.

The solution to such a issues depends on 3 things

  1. rdns for the IP address and matching A record for the domain name in question.
  2. Need to setup right SPF
  3. Need to setup right DKIM

a) To setup SPF for a domain name can use tool

b) For DKIm you can use tool  from Socketslab

Domain Key / DKIM Generation Wizard

for DKIm you can use key name as key1 or domain1 or any random words

c) Once done you can check whether its valid or not using a vaiidator

For validitor you need to send email to email ID shown on screen and check once done click on show results

Where it will show if set  DKIM and spf are valid or not




Error: exim logged Undefined subroutine &main::user2uid called. LOG: MAIN

Exim error :
cwd=/root 4 args: /usr/sbin/exim -i -v
F=<> rejected by non-SMTP ACL: failed to expand ACL string "${if eq{$originator_uid}{${perl{user2uid}{nobody}}}{1}{0}}": Undefined subroutine &main::user2uid called. LOG: MAIN
cwd=/var/spool/exim 8 args: /usr/sbin/exim -v -t -oem -oi -f <> -E1UY3r2-000
root@server-web [~]# /scripts/buildeximconf
Configuration file passes test! New configuration file was installed.
/etc/ syntax OK
Enabled system filter options: attachments|spam_rewrite
/etc/ installed!
razor2 is not installed, disabling it in SpamAssassin to save memory
pyzor is not installed, disabling it in SpamAssassin to save memory
SPF is disabled in exim or unavailable, enabling SPF for SpamAssassin
Refreshing SMTP Mail protection.
root@server-web [~]# cp -rpf /etc/ /etc/

Disable Strict Mode mysql mariadb

While working on WHMCS I was not able to generate tickets

I found out issue was due to mysql being in strict mode

I tried disabling mysql strict mode  by adding entries in  /etc/my.cnf


However it didnt work out.

I have found that there is a /usr/my.cnf file that is enabling strict mode on  server.

This file contained the following:


I removed the STRICT_TRANS_TABLES option and saved the file. All that is left is to restart the MySQL server. You can do this at your convenience with the following command:


Once it is restarted, strict mode should be disabled.