Tag Archives: DNS hack

view external: query (cache) ‘.in-addr.arpa/PTR/IN’ denied

While working on some issue on clients server I could

see large number of DNS request in /var/log/messages which were flooding DNS server

Jul 27 12:48:55 oklahoma named[14354]: client view external: query (cache) ‘’ denied
Jul 27 12:48:55 oklahoma named[14354]: client view external: query (cache) ‘’ denied
Jul 27 12:48:55 oklahoma named[14354]: client view external: query (cache) ‘’ denied
Jul 27 12:48:55 oklahoma named[14354]: client view external: query (cache) ‘’ denied
Jul 27 12:48:55 oklahoma named[14354]: client view external: query (cache) ‘’ denied


The solution for such issues is by adding few parameter in /etc/named.conf which is bind configuration file

Add the following under options:
recursion no;
additional-from-auth no;
additional-from-cache no;

and restart named

and now I see no such request coming to DNS which has fixed DNS flood issue